Let me tell you a personal story before I give you my tips on what to wear. Last year my family and I had our photos done at a tree farm. I knew I wanted a mix of plaid patterns, some red (because I love the contrast against the green trees) in an effort to create a winter/holiday feel in these photos. I very diligently dressed two kids in plaid, another in a green lace dress with a furry jacket, my husband in a solid sweater with a plaid shirt under. Then at the last minute I threw on a white sweater. At the last minute! What was I thinking?! Mom brain I guess; take care of everyone else and then worry about yourself. Well, then I got the pictures and all I could think was “Why did I wear that sweater?” And from that moment on I have changed the advice I give to my clients. Here it is:
* If you are a mom who is rarely in photos, pick your outfit first, something that makes you feel good, then dress everyone else to compliment your outfit
* Know your location - let your clothing match your surroundings; see what others have worn that looks good in that particular location. Going to be in the snow, probably want to stay away from white. Going to be in the mountains, probably don’t want to wear formal clothing. You see what I’m getting at.
* Pick a color or style scheme that is complimentary but not too matchy-matchy
* Consider adding layers and/or accessories
* Dress comfortably and weather appropriate - it’s hard for kids in particular to smile when they are freezing or over heated
* Stick to one outfit. Changing clothes can be cumbersome and take away from photo time. If you really want to achieve more than one look having jackets or accessories that are quick and easy are a better alternative to a full outfit change
* Don’t be afraid to use prints/patterns and textures
* Shoes do matter and are often visible in some of the photos
* Talk to your kids about their outfits ahead of time - kids may not be excited about that new outfit you got them for family photo day if you have not shown it to them and had them try it on ahead of time
* Pinterest has many wonderful ideas. Here are a few of my favorites from Pinterest:
* https://www.pinterest.com/genneeley/photo-shoot-clothing/
* If you need help, many stores are happy to offer assistance such as J. Crew, Nordstrom, H&M, and Boden USA (online).
* Try to have fun with the process!