As a new year begins, I want to thank you for being a follower and supporter of my small business. I am so grateful for all the families that have chosen me to photograph them this year. Moving a photography business to a new location and growing it has been challenging and frustrating at times but has also allowed me to meet many new families, inspired personal growth and brought new opportunities that I would not have anticipated. The Central coast of California has proven to be the home of many beautiful photography locations to explore and is filled with genuinely friendly people. A delightful place on earth if I do say so myself.
Do you make New Years resolutions? Goals? Pick a word or a phrase to represent your year? I do a number of these things. I haven’t settled on a word for this year yet (although I am considering Abundance) but I have given much thought to both personal and professional goals. Professionally, I am going to create a new website, blog more often and show up more frequently on social media. Personally, I am going to work on enjoying the day to day. I, like many of you I am sure, spend a lot of time driving my kids to various activities, then sitting and waiting or continuing on to the next stop. This year I plan to make this process enjoyable and productive.
Both personally and professionally I am combing a list of In’s and Out’s: In with more reading, more photos on the walls & more organization. Is it just me or if everything better when it is organized?! Out with comparison, guilt and lost time on social media.
I am glad your here with me for another great year! Comment below and tell me what you are planning in this new year.
Photo credit: Kellie Rochelle Photography (